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Tour Into the Picture
1 Overview
2 Development Environment
3 Requirements
5 Result
6 Reported Bug/Disorder
1 Overview
- Reading a bitmap format image, deducing the 3D background based on the spidery-mesh which is set by user, and generating images from arbitrary viewpoint in the 3D space: TIP.
- The perspective projection and the texture mapping are implemented intentionally not to use any hardware resource such as GPU.

Fig. 1: A captured image of the application (running on Windows XP Professional). |
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2 Development Environment
- C++ (Windows)
- OpenGL (GLUT for Win32 version 3.7.3, GLUI for Win32 version 2.0 beta)
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3 Requirements
3.1 Binary
- tip.zip (ZIP contains binary and bmp images / 3.79MB)
→ Windows 95 SR2/98/98 SE/ME/NT4.x/2000/XP/2003, and the later versions.
3.2 Source Code
- HTML version
(the comments are in Japanese, and will be not translated; to read use translator, e.g. Google's Language Tools .)
→ Windows 95 SR2/98/98 SE/ME/NT4.x/2000/XP/2003.
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4 Specification
4.1 Displaying Image, and so forth (Fig. 1A)
- The original image, the spidery-mesh, the mesh of the deduced 3D background, and the image after the changing of the viewpoint are shown in this window.
- When the spidery-mesh is shown, the vertices of the inner rectangle and the vanishing point can be moved by clicking its neighborhood (5.0px or less in radius) and dragging it (Fig. 2b, c).
When there are 2 or more control points in the radius, the nearest point is selected.
- When the deduced 3D background is shown, the
azimuth (AZ) and the elevation (EL) are changed by dragging arbitrary point in the window.
The horizontal and vertical dragging change the AZ and the EL, respectively.
4.2 Selecting Image (Fig. 1a)
- By clicking list box, and selecting the file name of the bitmap (./images/*.bmp), the original image can be selected.
This operation is enable when the
spidery-mesh is shown.
4.3 Deducing the 3D Background (Fig. 1b)
- By clicking the "Deduce" button, the 3D background is deduced based on the spidery-mesh, and the mesh of the 3D background is shown (Fig. 2b).
This operation is enable when the spidery-mesh is shown.
(a) Original image. |
(b) Initial screen. |
(c) Generating spidery-mesh. |
(d) Deducing 3D background. |
(e) Changing viewpoint. |
(f) Re-drawing. |
Fig. 2: Flow of operation. |
4.4 Selecting Resolution (Fig. 1c)
- By clicking the listbox, and selecting the resolution type, the resolution can be changed.
This operation is enable after deducing 3D background.
- The initial resolution type is "Preview."
The "Preview" is useful for the interactive moving of the viewpoint, however the quality of image is not good.
Only when the "Preview" is selected, the mesh of the deduced 3D background is shown.
- Fig. 3 shows the difference of the quality of image with respect to the resolution type.
(a) "Preview." |
(b) "Low." |
(c) "Normal." |
(d) "High." |
Fig. 3: Difference of the quality of image with respect to the resolution type. |
4.5 Initializing (Fig. 1d)
- By clicking the "Initialize" button, the viewpoint is initialized, and the deducing the 3D background is disabled.
5 Result
(a) Original image. |
(b) Generated image 1. |
(c) Generated image 2. |
(d) Generated image 3. |
Fig. 4: TIP of "Perspective Room." |
By culling the back face(s), the insides of the room those are removed the ceiling (Fig. 4c)/the side wall (Fig. 4b) can be generated.
(a) Original image. |
(b) Generating spidery-mesh. |
(c) Deducing 3D background. |
(d) Moving viewpoint and re-drawing. |
Fig. 5: Flow of operation and TIP of "Train Tunnel." |
By culling the back face, the insides of the tunnel that is removed the ceiling (Fig. 5d) can be generated.
(a) Original image: "River." |
(b) Generated image. |
(c) Original image: "Temple." |
(e) Generated image. |
(f) Original image: "Building." |
(g) Generated image. |
(h) Original image: "leaves." |
(i) Generated image. |
Fig. 6: Results. |
6 Reported Bug/Disorder
- Sometimes the "Access Violation" error occurs (a bug of GLUI (?)).
- Y. Horry et al., "Tour Into the Picture: Using a spidery mesh user interface to make animation from a single image", Proc. SIGGRAPH 97, 1997.
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- Gijyutsu-kei CG Hyojyun Tekisuto-bukku Hensyu-iinkai, "Computer Graphics <Technical CG Standard Textbook>", CG-ARTS Kyokai, 1995 (Heisei 7), (in Japanese
Message Form 
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Created : 2002/02/10, Modified: 2004/02/18, 2005/03/09, 2005/04/23
English version created: 2006/05/24, Modified: 2008/05/16
Any distribution/modification of {the source code/this document} without the permission of the copyright owner
is prohibited, and may result in civil and criminal penalties;
however, since the original images are collected from "Google Image Search," Ryoichi Mizuno does not reserve
their copyrights.
Copyright © 2002-2006 Ryoichi Mizuno, All Rights Reserved. |
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Supplementary Information: Ryoichi Mizuno - Google+  